< strong>Back shoulder training: wide-grip incline row!
Row training is one of the best exercises in the gym to strengthen your back muscles!
According to different grip distances, gripping methods and other changes, different muscle parts will be stimulated!
Today we are going to introduce a great rowing variation to target our weak posterior shoulders (rear deltoid muscles)!
The action is as follows:
Use the short barbell at the gym and then Attach the plates and use a wide grip to hold the plates and train!
Using a wide grip posture increases the angle of horizontal shoulder abduction, which will lower the lats At the same time, our upper back and rear deltoid muscles will be strengthened!
Simultaneous gripping allows you to have a greater range of motion and gives your back shoulders more stimulation!
Action process:
Lean over the inclined board, grab the barbell plates, and lift your arms freelyThen straighten down!
Shrink the back shoulder and abduct the shoulder backward horizontally, while bending the elbow and pulling up. Pull the barbell back to your chest, with your elbow joints flush with your back, stay for a second, and then return forward to slightly bend your arms. Do not relax completely, and your movements must be controlled
Repeat 12 times for each group -15 times, then rest for about 1 minute, and then do the next set. Complete 3-4 sets of each workout.
1. Avoid losing control of the scapula when restoring, focus on the position of the back of the shoulder, and experience the muscle contraction. Feeling of slight soreness.
2. When pulling up, fully extend your shoulders to feel the contraction of the posterior deltoid muscles instead of shaking your body. When pulling up, the waist and abdomen should be tightened and the trunk should not shake as much as possible to maintain balance.