Convict Fitness - The True Power Book (Chapter 7 Part 4)

Starting today, the editor will introduce to you the ten types of pull-ups in PrisonerFitness-The True Power Book. I hope it will be helpful to you. Everyone helps.

Prisoner Fitness-The True Book of Power (Chapter 7, Part 3) (Connotation Parts 1-2 Portal)

The first vertical pull-up


Find a grip And very stable vertical objects, door frames and taller railings are good choices. Stand close to the object with your toes about 8 to 10 centimeters away. Grasp the object in a comfortable position, ideally with hands shoulder-width apart, but not necessary—just symmetrical hands are fine. This is the starting position of the movement (Figure 41). Since you are so close to the object, your arm will be bent. Slowly lean your body back, extending your arms in the process, until your arms are almost straight and your body is leaning back at an angle to the ground. This is the ending position of the movement (Figure 42). At this point, you should feel a stretch in your upper back and probably in your arms. Pause for a moment, then bring your shoulder and foot bones together and bend your arms to pull your body back to the starting position. Pause, then repeat.


The vertical pull-up is a very light pull-up movement. For those with back This is an ideal exercise for those who are recovering from arm strength. Additionally, this move is better for those who have injured their shoulders, biceps, or elbows because it increases blood flow. It is also a good exercise for beginners to move their bodies and allow them to regain the feeling of "pull". Because the intensity of this action is small, it can make it more difficult for those who are new to tension training. Really feel the "power" of the shoulder and upper back muscles before doing the exercise

Training goals

·Elementary standard: 1 set, 10 times.

·Intermediate standard: 2 groups, 20 reps each

·Upgrade standard: 3 groups, 40 reps each

Slow and steady< /p>

Vertical pull-ups are a simple exercise that almost anyone can do if you're recovering from an injury and feel like this exercise is too strenuous for certain parts of your body (perhaps where you're getting stitches). , then reduce the range of motion, tighten your shoulders, and don't let your arms stretch too straight.