Are one-handed pull-ups too difficult? Try a resistance band!

The pull-up is an essential movement in our fitness training, whether it is for athletes, fitness enthusiasts or the military. All are essential!

Pull-ups can well train your latissimus dorsi and biceps, abdominals, long heads of triceps, deltoid muscles, and even chest muscles. At the same time, pull-ups require strong core strength and coordination, so pull-ups are also called the king of upper body training!

There are many variations of pull-ups, and we can make some subtle changes to help us reduce or increase the difficulty! For beginners who have difficulty with pull-ups, they usually use elastic band assistance, eccentric pull-ups, and others to help reduce the difficulty and gradually improve pull-ups!

For some advanced bodybuilders, ordinary pull-ups can no longer satisfy them! After you can easily complete more than 10 pull-ups using your own body weight, it's time to consider adding some challenges to yourself!

Maybe you can try one-handed pull-ups!

The one-handed pull-up is the ultimate difficult version of the pull-up, almost Few people can do it, but today I want to introduce the one-handed pull-up with reduced difficulty

The following is the action process:

First, choose an elastic band with suitable resistance and hang it up!

Grasp the crossbar with one hand and the elastic band with the other hand. Use the elastic band as an aid to share some of the power of one arm! Then perform one-handed pull-ups!

The following are some movement tips:

Pay attention to activate your latissimus dorsi muscles to pull up, and always keep your shoulders stable during the movement , the upper back is full of tension! Prevent shoulder strain!

This is a reduced difficulty version of learning one-hand pull-ups, but it is not easy to do. It allows you to feel the powerful one-hand pull action!