Core tip:For Arnold, a strong shoulders starts from the ground. This is the squat lift shoulder press, use it to explode your whole body strength!
To this day, Olympic weightlifters use the squat lift style shoulder press. Arnold believes that this is a major training move that turns beginners into powerful ones. In fact, it agrees with this training action very much.
"Why do you do a squat shoulder press instead of a normal barbell shoulder press? Because you pull your barbell up from the ground, then lift it up, press it up, and then lower the barbell to the ground. This process will There are more muscles in the body involved in training," he said in his "Arnold's Complete Book of Fitness."

You include squats and shoulder presses (weightlifting) in today's deltoid training. In addition, I will use the one to ten shock method for biceps training. You have already learned yesterday’s separation method. Today’s one to ten shock method is one of Arnold’s favorite training methods!
Day 9: Shoulders, arms, abdominal muscles exercise (30 represents warm-up times)
One to ten shock method:
After warming up, find the only weight you can lift once and do one set, then find the weight you can lift twice and do one set, then find the weight you can lift three times and do one set, and so on until you can lift ten times weightDo one set, which is a very brutal method, with no rest in between. The only time you take a break is when you put down the equipment. I like this technique best, it has a huge impact on the muscles!
Shoulders: span>
Weightlifting: 5 sets of 5 times, rest for 45 seconds.
Super group (A+B):
< br style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;" />
A Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 5 groups, each group is 30, 8, 6, 4, 2 times respectively. Rest for 45 seconds
B dumbbell alternate front lift: 5 groups, 30, 8, 6, 4, 2 times each. Rest for 45 seconds
Super group (A+B):
A side raise: 5 groups, each group is 30 ,8,6,4,2 times. Rest for 45 seconds

B upright rowing - wide grip: 5 sets,Each set is 30, 8, 6, 4, 2 times respectively. Rest for 45 seconds
Biceps:< /span>
Barbell Curls: Perform the one to ten shock method training. Rest for 45 seconds
Super group (A+B):
A Incline Dumbbell Press: 5 groups, each group 30 ,8,6,4,2 times. Rest for 45 seconds
B intensive curl: 5 groups, each group is 30,8 ,6,4,2 times. Rest for 45 seconds
Triceps:< /span>
Narrow spacing< span style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 19px; font-family: 宋体;">Barbell bench press: 5 groups, each group is 30, 8, 6, 4,2 times. Rest for 45 seconds
Super group (A+B):
< br style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;" />
A supine arm flexion and extension: 5 groups, each group is 30 ,8,6,4,2 times. Rest for 45 seconds
B single-arm dumbbell arm extension: 5 groups, each group 30, 8, 6, 4, 2 times respectively. Rest for 45 seconds
Forearm Super group (A+B):
A Overhand wrist curl: 5 groups, 30, 8, 6, 4, 2 times each. Rest for 45 seconds
B Reverse grip wrist curl: 5 groups, 30, 8, 6, 4, 2 times each. Rest for 45 seconds

Sit-ups: 5 groups, each Set 25 times. Rest for 45 seconds