Healthy Cooking Sauce Tips

In this video from personal trainer Alistair, he discusses what some healthy options and tips for cooking sauces.

Often meals are made less healthy by adding unhealthy sauces to enhance the taste one way or the other. At first thought you may say “oh that doesn’t make a big difference, a little sauce on my meal”. You would be surprised at how fast the calories and unhealthy ingredients found in the majority of store bought sauces. When you read the label of cooking sauces and/or condiments, you will see many highly processed ingredients that make your health worse and severely limit the success you will find in your fitness program. Ingredients such as seed oils (sunflower oil, canola oil etc) eaten in excess can cause inflammation in the body and contribute to inflammatory diseases. Other ingredients like rocessed corn derivatives and high fructose sugars that increase the likelihood of diabetes and obesity. Limiting the foods and sauces that contain these ingredients will improve your health immediately.

Here are some great options for healthy sauce options:

???? Homemade hot sauces and mustards.

???? Homemade salsa.

???? Vinaigrette salad dressings with olive oil instead of seed oils.

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