Tips: This plan has a certain intensity and is suitable for reference training by friends with basic knowledge.
"It's an old-school ab workout," Reino said. "It doesn't require you to pick an exaggerated number of reps, you just go with the intensity we provide." It only takes 4 moves, and they can help you achieve chiseled abs."
Ryno's six-pack abs workout program involves moves you've no doubt seen elsewhere. He doesn't need to reinvent the wheel, nor does he need to do this. "This is an advanced ab training tutorial that will increase the size and definition of your abs and make them look more defined!" Reino says of these four. The movements not only cover all of your abdominal musculature (upper and lower abdomen, as well as flanks), but also allow for greater weight-bearing! The most basic theory of muscle gain in exercise is to increase resistance. You should exercise your abdominal muscles Just like when you exercise your biceps, your biceps muscles don’t need 100 repetitions. Why do your abdominal muscles need it?
You're going to see two separate ab workouts: one that you do twice a week for the first three weeks, and one that runs throughout the next three weeks! The biggest difference between weeks 1-3 and weeks 4-6 is the use of added resistance later on Perform low reps. "This training program provides enough variety to get your abs going," explains Reino. "Focus on weeks 4-6, when the weight increases and the reps are lowered, to really increase your muscle strength and size. You'll be in Training begins with a lot of difficult movements, and then the muscles become more and more fatigued."

How to implement the following abdominal muscle plan?
You will do two three weeks in a row. The exercises are the same every week, and in weeks 4-6, the resistance and training intensity are increased.
Carry out this plan twice a week and rest for at least 48 hours between movements!
In weeks 1-3, rest 45 seconds between sets; in weeks 4-6, rest 60 seconds between sets!
Weeks 1-3 Abs Plan action Number of groups times

hanging leg press 2-3 15-20
Roman chair sit-ups
2-3 15-20
Rope crunch
2-3 12-15
Dumbbell side bend
1-2 20
Weeks 4-6 Abs Plan
Number of groups
hanging leg press
Roman chair sit-ups
3 8-12
Rope crunch
3 8-12
Dumbbell side bend
2 12-15