Gym strength training main action plan

Tip: The following main strength training movements in the gym are suitable for intermediate fitness enthusiasts to learn from. This is what every bodybuilding enthusiast should use. Some of these moves you may know but not pay attention to, and others you may have never even heard of. Regardless, it's time to add these moves to your training regimen.

Front squat

Training action 1: Front squat (lower body, core area)
Why choose it

"Front squats are really helpful for quadriceps development, especially when I was preparing for the Ironman," Phil Heath said. "A lot of people don't do front squats because Front squats are uncomfortable, and there are many easier quadriceps exercises to choose from, but if you really want to grow your quads, you have to do front squats. ”

Training Action 2: Bench Press with Elbow Dumbbells (Upper Body)
Why choose it

“Pinching your elbows and slowing down while doing dumbbell bench presses can increase tension in the chest, shoulders, triceps, and upper back,” says Jim Smith. “Longer tension.Time can directly promote muscle growth and hormone secretion. ”
How to do it
Sit on a flat bench holding a pair of dumbbells. Lie down while raising the dumbbells above your chest, with your arms straight and holding the dumbbells firmly. Lower the dumbbells while keeping them as close together as possible. When the dumbbells reach your chest, lift them up while still keeping them close together. Keep your movements slow.

Training action 3: V-bar pull-ups (upper body)
Why choose it

"This action involves vertical and horizontal stretching of the upper body, but most stretching actions only involve one of the stretches," said Martin Rooney. "This action maximizes the use of core and abdominal muscles." Muscles, so V-bar pull-ups hit all the muscle groups in your upper body just like weightlifting movements."

Upright rowing

Training exercise 4: Wide-grip upright row (upper body)
Why choose it

"If performed correctly, the wide-grip upright row is a great deltoid training exercise," says Justin Grinnell. "Doing it with a wide-grip upright row reduces the involvement of the trapezius muscles compared to a narrow-grip upright row." , it can better stimulate the deltoid muscles. "But if you have shoulder injuries, please choose this training exercise carefully.
How to do it
Standing with a barbell in hand, place the bar in front of your thighs, fully extending your arms and using a wider-than-shoulder-width grip. Bend your knees slightly and pull the barbell straight up, bend your elbows until the bar reaches chest height. Don't shrug your shoulders as you pull up the bar. Pause at the top of the movement for 1 second before lowering the weight.

Barbell Squat

Training action 5: Bar squat (whole body)
Why choose it

“You shouldn’t ignore the bar squat,” says Brian. “It builds functional strength, flexibility, core strength, and shoulder stability. With so many benefits, the bar squat Bar squats can stimulate hormone secretion to help you achieve your goals of building muscle and losing fat.”
How to do it
Choose a relatively light weight bar and hold it with a very wide grip, feet shoulder-width apart, chest high, and back straight. Raise the bar above your head and into a standing position with your arms fully extended. The barbell should be held slightly behind your head, not directly above or in front of your head. Squat down slowly as if you were sitting on a stool, lifting your chest until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then use your heels to stand up to the initial position.

Supine curl

Training action 6: Supine barbell curl (upper body)
Why choose it

Supine barbell curls will get your biceps pumping like crazy. "The supine barbell curl is a super muscle-building exercise," says Jim. "First, it allows you to hit your biceps with heavier weights (your body weight). Second, you'll focus on the weight going down. This can better promote muscle growth. Finally, in this movement, the barbell acts as a drop set, which will maximize the amount of blood in your muscles. ”
How to do it
Secure the barbell to the rack so that the distance between the barbell and the ground is approximately arm's length. Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip and hang your body so that it is just a little off the ground and in a straight line from head to toe. Fully extend your arms and bend your arms to pull yourself up as high as possible so that your forehead touches the barbell. After reaching failure, lower the height of the bar and continue repeating until failure.

Seated Arm Bend

Training Action 7: Seated Dips and Extensions (triceps)
Why choose it

“The long head of the triceps brachii is often overlooked,” Ray says. “The most important reason is that the long head responds best to heavy training and overhead movements, and people often don’t know this. So seated dips are The best long head triceps training exercise in my opinion.”

Training action 8: Seated rotation (lower body, core area)
Why choose it

"The core area is the key to exercise," Peterson said. "You have to train this area well in the gym. Of course, turning movements have a better stimulation effect on the core area."
How to do it
Sit on the floor, holding a barbell or medicine ball in front of you with both hands, elbows slightly bent. Bend your knees 90 degrees and place your feet on the floor. Rotate your body from side to side. Keep your legs from shaking during the entire process. This action can fully exercise your abdominal stabilizing muscles.

Weight-bearing flexion and extension

Training Action 9: Weight-bearing flexion and extension (lower body, core area)
Why choose it

“A lot of people overlook weighted extensions as an excellent exercise,” says Mohr. “It fully stimulates the glutes, biceps femoris, and paraspinal muscles, and these muscles can help you improve the overall performance of your weightlifting exercises. levels, such as deadlifts and squats, while reducing your risk of back injury ”
How to do it
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place a relatively light barbell on your traps. Keeping your back straight and your knees slightly bent, slowly bend your hips to move your body toward the floor. Once your body is parallel to the ground, return to a standing position.

Related fitness programs:

Day 1: Upper Body
Exercises: Groups*Reps

Elbow-clutching dumbbell bench press 3-4 groups, 8-10 repetitions per group

Barbell bent over row 3-4 groups, 8-10 repetitions per group

V-bar pull-ups 3 sets, 6 repetitions per set

3 sets of incline barbell bench press, 6 repetitions per set

Wide grip upright row 3-4 sets, 10-12 repetitions per set

Seated arm flexion and extension 4 sets, 10-12 repetitions per set

Supine barbell curls 1 set to failure

Day Two: Lower Body/Core Area
Exercises: Groups*Reps

Front squat 4 groups, 6-8 reps in each group

3 sets of bar squats, 8-10 repetitions per set

Weight-bearing flexion and extension 3 groups, 10-12 repetitions per group

3 sets of leg curls, 12 repetitions per set

3-4 sets of Russian twists, 15-20 repetitions per set

3-4 sets of hanging leg raises, 12 repetitions per set