Max OT maximum overload training is regarded by many top experts as the best strength and muscle-building training method. Max OT maximum overload training is a training method advocated by Paul Delia of AST Sports Science many years ago. It is characterized by heavy weight and high efficiency.
Training principles:
1. Each training session lasts about 30-40 minutes.
2. Train 1-2 muscles every day.
3. Do 6-9 groups (heavy weight) for each muscle group.
4. Do 4-6 times in each group
5. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
6. The interval between two training sessions for a muscle is 5-7 days.
7. After every 8-10 weeks of training, there should be a week of complete rest.
Questions to consider before training:
1. Are your joints ready for 100% heavy weight training?
2. Are you confident in your skills and that you will not get injured if you train with heavy weights?
3. Are you mentally prepared to increase training intensity?
4. Before using this method, have you done 6-9 sets of 100% intensity training? If the answer is no, you should gradually increase the number of groups from 3-4 to 6-9 within the first 12 days when you start using this method.
5. Is the seven-day recovery time suitable for each muscle? In the first 12 weeks, 2-3 muscles should be trained more frequently.
6. Placing lagging parts at the front of the week’s training will help them develop well.
The above issues should be carefully considered when starting to use this method, and adjustments should be made according to your actual situation.
After using this method, you can get the results:
1. Will increase training intensity
2. Training time will be shortened
3. Will greatly increase the number of fast-twitch muscle fibers
4. Gain strengthto improve
5. Strengthen the relationship between brain and muscles
Possible negative effects:
1. It may reduce muscle endurance. Because this method only focuses on the central nervous system and completely ignores the metabolic system.
2. Due to the reduction in training volume, fat accumulation may occur.
3. Overtraining: In terms of recovery of the central nervous system, hormones and immune system.
4. Using 100% of the weight will put extremely high pressure on tendons, ligaments and joints.

Comparison with other training methods:
Low amount of training
Less means better quality. But doing 6-9 sets for each muscle is not a lot for beginners.
Fatigue and excessive weight bearing
Excessive weight bearing will build muscles, but fatigue will not. When a muscle is fatigued, it is not necessarily overloaded at this time.
Positive failure
Meaning, each set is completed on its own strength, without assistance from a training partner. This is different from the number of compulsions. This is because the assistance of a training partner will fatigue the muscles without overloading them.
Examples of successful Max-OT course program implementation
?1 Shoulders and triceps brachii
Dumbbell shoulder press 2 X 4 — 6
Smith Shoulder Press 2 X 4 — 6
Lateral raises 2 X 6 — 8
Narrow grip press 3 X 4 — 6
Pulley push down 2 X 4 — 6
Overhead dumbbell arm extension 1 X 4 — 6
Overhead cable arm extension 2 X 4 — 6
Barbell shrug 3 X 6 — 8
?Two legs
Leg press 2 X 4 — 6
Squat 3 X 6 — 8
Legs bent and extended 2 X 6 — 8
Leg curls 3 X 4 — 6
Seated position to raise the clock 3 X 6 — 8
?三cardiopulmonary training
? Four Back and Abdomen
Barbell Row 2 X 4 — 6
Cable rowing 2 X 4 — 6
Pulley pull-down 2 X 4 — 6
T-bar rowing 2 X 4 — 6
Leg rest sit-ups 3 X 12 — 20
Stretching machine leg rest sit-ups 2 X 12 — 20
Hanging leg raise 2 X 8 — 20
? Five chest, biceps
Dumbbell bench press 2 X 4 — 6
Incline barbell bench press 2 X 4 — 6
Incline dumbbell bench press 2 X 4 — 6
Parallel bar arm extension 2 X 4 — 6
Dumbbell curls 2 X 4 — 6
E-Z Bar Curl 2 X 4 — 6
Cable curlers 4 — 6
Six cardiopulmonary training
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