How did you get into fitness?
I was born into a family that loves sports. I have 7 brothers and sisters. They all like sports. My dad is a middle school physical education teacher. I spent a lot of time on the track, in the fitness room, and in the weight room. When I was in elementary school, my dad trained me to do push-ups, and I quickly discovered that I loved the feeling of muscle congestion. I started strength training in middle school and it quickly became my favorite. In high school I was the strongest kid. When I went to college, I trained even harder and joined the football team. Later after football I joined Natural Bodybuilders.

Where does your motivation come from?
My motivation comes from loving this sport so much that I can force myself to be in the gym every day. I will do my best to bring out my greatest potential. Sometimes I have to remind myself not to overdo it.

Morning: chest, back
Incline dumbbell bench press 8-15 times x 4 groups
Front neck pull-down 10-15 times x 4 groups
[(Incline dumbbell flyes 10-15 times) + Incline prone T-bar row 10-15 times)] x 3 groups
[(Flat dumbbell bench press 10-12 times) + (Seated rowing 10-12 times)] x 3 groups
[Bent over cable chest (to failure) + Narrow neck pull-down (to failure) + Pull-ups (to failure)] x 3 sets
Afternoon: Abdomen
[Hanging leg raise (failure) + Kneeling cable press and abdominal contraction (failure) + Seated barbell rotation (failure) + Incline supine leg raise (failure) + Fitness ball crunch (failure)] x3 group
Morning: Shoulders, arms
Dumbbell press – 3 sets 8-12 reps
Dumbbell lateral raise – 3 Set 8-12 reps
Bent-over dumbbell lateral raise – 5 sets 10-15
Alternate dumbbell front raise – 3 sets 10-15
Raising the bell to shoulder – 3 sets 10-12
[(Supine arm flexion and extension 8-12 times) + (Barbell curl 8-12)] x 3 groups
[(Parallel bar dips and extensions 8-12 times) + (Incline dumbbell curls 8-12 times)] x 3 groups
[(Steel cable press 8-12 times) + (Dumbbell concentration curl 8-12)] x 3 groups
Afternoon: 3 sets of calf exercises
Standing calf raise – 10-25 times
Seated calf raise – 10-25 times
Donkey calf raise – 10-25 times
Deadlift 8-12 times x 3 sets
Front squat 15-20 times x 3 groups
Standing single-leg curl 10-15 times x 3 groups
Leg press 10-15 times x 3 groups
Prone leg curl (failure) x 5 sets
Seated leg flexion and extension (failure) x 5 groups
Afternoon: 3 belly
[Hanging leg raise (failure) + Kneeling cable press and abdominal contraction (failure) + Seated barbell rotation (failure) + Incline supine leg raise (failure) + Fitness ball crunch (failure)] x3 group
Thursday: Run for 30-45 minutes
Friday: Same as Monday
Saturday: Tuesday
Sunday: Run for 30 minutes
If you do not use the above exercise movements, you can refer to: http://www.jirou.com/lian/ to match the movements you want to exercise.

Meal Plan:
•Meal 1: 8 egg whites, 2 eggs, 1 cup, chili spinach omelette. 40(1/2cup) with cinnamon oat bran
•Meal 2: (•Pre-meal workout) 8 ounces of tilapia or other white fish, 1 cup and 7 ounces (measured) of sweet potatoes (or 1 cup of brown rice)
•Meal 3: (Post-workout) 3/4 scoops of hydro-whey, 45 minutes later, 4 ounces of chicken, 1 cup, 7 ounces (weighed) sweet potatoes (or 1 cup brown rice)
•Meal 4: 1.5 scoops of Shake Gold Standard, low-fat cheese, apple and 14 grams of almonds
•Meal 5: 8 ounces beef or meat, vegetables, and 2 rice crackers
•Meal 6: 7 ounces turkey or fish or flax oil and olive greens
MuscleNet Imperial Unit Calculator: http://www.jirou.com/tool/bang.php

Nutritional supplements:
•Whey eggsWhite
•Branched chain amino acids